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Travel information

Tanzania is a generally safe country, but don’t invite temptation. Keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t walk in the towns or cities at night-Take a taxi. Don’t take cameras or large amount of cash also be aware of pickpockets. Do not leave money or valuables in your hotel room and use a safe deposit box. We advise not to come with valuable jewellery you may leave at home.

Tanzania police has established a special tourism unit to take care of the safety requirements of diplomatic mission members and other foreign tourists visiting destinations in the country. We believe that Peace and security are critical factors in attracting more visitors to any destination.

Generally dry and hot with cool nights/mornings from June-October, short rains from November to mid-December, long rains from march-may but the seasons may vary. The coastal strip is hot and humid all year round. Temperatures on Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru may drop to below freezing.

GMT + 3 hours

The Tanzania’s national language is ki-swahili and English is an official language, English is widely spoken but a few words of Swahili can be useful to visitors and will be appreciated greatly by locals. Tanzania has more than 120 different dialects.

The currency unit is the Tanzanian shilling. There are numerous banks in the major towns and cities as well as bureau de change. Hours of business vary from bank to bank, but most are open from 9h00 to 15h00,Monday to Fridays and from 9h00 to 1h00 on Saturdays. Most of Bureau de changes work outside of these hours. It is advisable to take US Dollars with you, which are accepted everywhere. You can get Tanzania shillings from ATMs. Barclays bank, Standard chartered, Exim bank, Crdb bank etc, can be found in the cities and major towns and their ATMs accept Visa and Master cards. We highly advise you to check with your bank regarding ATMs use in Tanzania. It is possible to withdraw Tanzanian shillings upon arrival at Kilimanjaro and Dar es salaam international airports. However, stone town is the only place in Zanzibar where you can find an ATM, There are no such facilities elsewhere on island. Credit cards are accepted in the major hotels and lodges, as well as gift shops. Exchange rate: Of course the rates change all the time, but to give you an idea 1 USD is about 2200 Tsh; Euro is about 2500 Tsh, GBP is about 2900 Tsh.

The Tanzania’s national language is ki-swahili and English is an official language, English is widely spoken but a few words of Swahili can be useful to visitors and will be appreciated greatly by locals. Tanzania has more than 120 different dialects.

Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory. You will have to show your yellow fever vaccination certificate upon your entry to Tanzania. Malaria is endemic but is preventable, it occurs below 1800 meters and you should use the recommended prophylactics. Please consult your doctor about these. The best way to prevent contracting Malaria for the duration of your Tanzania vacations tour, is to try and avoid mosquito bites by using an insect repellent, by sleeping under mosquito nets and to wear proper clothing after sunset.

Please consult your local travel clinic for the latest recommendations.

Visa is required by most travelers to Tanzania. Check current requirements with the nearest Tanzanian High Commission, Embassy or consulate. You can obtain your visa on arrival at all international airports and overland borders.

Tanzania gets cooler in the evenings and early mornings [especially the months of June/July/August/September] the best advice is to dress in layers with a sweater and light windbreaker. Early morning/night temperature can be around [40-60F].During the day it can rise to around [70-86F].

It is advised not to dress on bright and light colors for a number of reasons.

-Brighter colors are proven to attract tsetse flies.

-Brighter colors are proven to scare the animals.

-Lighter colors show dirt and dust less.

-The neutral range of colors do not absorb heat as much as darker colors and will you cooler.

When it comes to packing, a handy tip to remember is that all lodges and camps provide a daily laundry service which means you don’t have to pack as much.

For climbing on Kilimanjaro or Meru, please take thermal underwear, light layers, sweater, rain jacket, good socks and sturdy boots.

The tourist areas and lodges sell a wide range of souvenirs, jewellery and trinkets. Don’t be afraid to haggle at roadside stalls (your driver guide will advise you where to shop and on a reasonable price). The most popular souvenirs are wooden handcraft, curios, and a famous love stone which is the well-known gem stone “Tanzanite”.

Month-by-month guide for travelling in Tanzania

Creating tailor-made tours for over 10 years

Due to Tanzania’s close proximity to the equator, we generally only have two seasons; a rainy season and dry season. Short rainy season is from November to January and long rainy season is March through May. Dry season usually starts from July to October.  

Majority of people will suggest that the best time to visit Tanzania is between July to October. This is the dry season, means that animals wandering searching for water, which makes them relatively easy to spot. You will probably see them in large concentrations as the watering points and rivers are getting limited. Most of the water’s sources dry up or get smaller during the dry season. However because most people believe that July to October is the best time to come, it is also the busiest time in the national parks. This means that majority of people miss the hidden treasures that can be found at other times of the year.

Here is a short overview of what the year looks like in our National Parks.

Ideas and travel guides for exploring Tanzania